Saturday, March 1, 2008

Clothes = Clothes for children

These companies below take the Christian t-shirt to a new level. I love clothes and I love art. I am a consumer and we are all consumers no matter how much you say you are not. We buy stuff all the time. We consume so much stuff everyday. OK, I am done using the word stuff. I believe if we are going to buy clothes, shoes, and etc. , then why not buy it from a company that supports world hunger. Most of these companies give a portion of their profits to organizations based in Africa, South America, and Asia. For example, Tom Shoes donates a pair of shoes to Argentina every time one pair is purchased. That is pretty awesome. I am not forcing any of you to spend more money by all means, SAVE YOUR MONEY but if you need to buy some trendy clothes then check out of these sites below. I probably should practice what I preach. LATER!!!

Betsy loves Steve and Barry's. BFF

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