Monday, February 9, 2009

I am alive

Sorry, to all. I know you have been worrying like crazy. Probably not but anyway, I am here typing now with my alive fingers. So, yeah, life has been crazy these past couple months with potty training our puppy to launching another campus at LifePointe. In the midst of all the chaos I made time to eat and you know the result that happens after you eat. Life is good though. I have learned a ton about myself over this last month. I have learned to be patient, stretch the dollar even further, not feel bad when I haven't read my Bible in the morning and love my wife even more than ever. It seems the busiest times and the most chaotic times are when we grow the most with God. You would think that you would grow angry when things are not going the way planned. It might seem like that at first. It was definitely for me. There is always a reason for everything. Ok, done typing.

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