Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Eve of a new communities birth

Well, I haven't posted in awhile. I am sure I say that a lot. Anyway, the reason I haven't posted in awhile is because of this moment before the launch of our new church in Fort Mill, SC. It has been a roller coaster ride of 1000 phone calls, late nights, broken ankles ( thats for another post), many meals of fast food and tons of prayer. Tomorrow is the day a new faith community will be formed. I need to remind myself that I have no control over what will happen tomorrow. So, thats what I have been doing for the past month. I promise I will post some thoughts and stuff soon.


bill said...

you broke your ankle?

Duane said...

Blake...update your blog...or else I have to imagine the ways you spend your time - and I know that does not please you.

Unknown said...

soon as in, more than a month later? come on, we want to know what happened, blake!

much love,